Monday, May 19, 2008

Help! I need your email addresses!!!

First things first (what a silly saying)... I had a slight computer problem a week or so ago - it blew up. Well, sort of. What happened is the computer had a slight stroke and either the processor or the motherboard (or both) died on me. It was bad enough that I took it to the Geek Squad and they gave me the bad news. My ray of hope was that it was possibly under warranty.
"What brand is it?" They asked.
"Brand? The only thing left from the original computer was a mouse. Everything else was hand built by me."
"Oh... Well maybe this is a good excuse to tell your wife it's time to upgrade."
And you know what? It was.

The point of the whole story is that I no longer have any of your e-mail addresses. So please send 'em my way again: . That way I can send you new updates on our little hero. We've also updated the website and changed almost everything (we kept the name, essentially) so check it out when you get a chance: .

On to our hero's next adventure - inspired by the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...

The other day Ian was strolling through the Rose Gardens contemplating Life, the Universe, and Everything. Was 42 really the answer? Or was it something more sinister, more frightening, or more complex - like pie or a really cool prime number?

Normally when he walks and contemplates, he takes his two body guards, Bandit the Vocal and Tank the Magnificently Anxious Fluffball (it's Swedish), but they had taken a holiday to live it up "canine-style" like all hip adolescents do...

So there was no one to keep the evils of society at bay...

So our hero -

- was left to his own devices and decided to initiate a private jam session which would eventually lead to a whole new neo-nursery-rhyme band that he would call: "The Caillou Fan Band" in honor of his personal hero and mentor: Caillou the Still-Bald-at-Age-4 from the Sprout Channel.

While blasting away in the key of Q-sharp, he came across a harmony that shook the entire house and caused a toy mount to suddenly collaspe under its own weight (it did have its own gravitational pull, afterall) and reveal a sacred artifact that he had recovered from the Seattle Science Center when he was on his way up north to go spelunking in the Yukon several months ago. It was the powerful school bus that he cherished oh so much...

It was special... It was die cast... and it matched his outfit!

He was so excited that he had found it that he began jumping up and down joyfully...

And that was when tragedy struck... he fell...

And was - without warning - crushed by a giant blue Gobb Stopper!

We tried valantly to revive him by doing Tickle_Patient_Resuscitation (TPR)...

And were rewarded with some signs of life...

His first words after regaining consciousness were, "Don't sell this to the tabloids, papparazzi scum!"
So I showed him the photos...
And he thought they were funny enough to send to "America's Funniest Home E-mails" but unfortunately I had lost the e-mail address in the Computer Crash of April '08 so we decided to sit and read a story instead...
Everyone lived happily every after and there was much rejoicing in the land (yea!)...
So our valiant hero laid against his trusty side kick and watched the sun set over the Atlantic like at the end of Planet of the Apes.

Goodnight and goodluck!
Next week: The Ian-Bourne Supremacy!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

New Ian Movie!!!

Don't ask us where he learned this! We're thinking maybe day care but with him, you never know! But without further delay, here's: "Flight of the Ian-Bee!"