Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seals, squash, and stickers (oh, my!)

Here's a few new ones from the last few weeks. As you can see, Ian has no problem showing off how much of a ham he can be. For instance, he decided one morning that his breakfast was going to be a picnic instead.I had steak one night and Ian decided he wanted to cut his meat as well. So we gave him his own kiddie knife that wouldn't cut butter and put two cut pieces of meat together and let him go to work. The result was his fork on one piece, the knife on the other, and him sawin' away with both hands.
Since taking off the front of the crib and giving him some freedom, Ian has done a good job challenging us with that freedom (everyone by now has probably heard the orange and John McCain stories). In this photo, I laid him down for his nap and he decided he wanted me to lay out his blanket and pillow on the floor where he stretched out and slept. Three hours later, this is where we found him.
Ian insisted on paying for his own pumpkin. This is him getting his change.
We let Ian decorate it with stickers even though he's apparently quite skilled with steak knives and produce...

He also thought Clifford needed a few decorations as well... Clifford didn't agree...

This past Monday, we hung out on Uncle Mark's boat along with the rest of the Fischer Clan. Here's a shot of Seleta pointing out a seal to Ian.
And here's a shot of Ian pointing out the same seal to Seleta.

Ian commandeered my camera and took this shot: