Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ian at the Ventura County Fair

It's that time of year again and we were lucky enough to get a Monday to go to the Ventura County Fair. What was great is that I was supposed to have court at 1:30pm, brought a suit to change into, and got cancelled at 11am. So we had the whole day to explore.

The only reason why I included this photos is because of what the man is doing. Can't see it? Here's a cropped down version below:

Talking on a cell phone while working on a Ferris Wheel has to be a new one for OSHA!

Sadly, this year both Seleta and I qualified for the professional photographers category that no longer exists. Of course, that didn't stop a few "pro" guys from entering anyway - much to the irritation of some of the people there (we were somewhat amused). One photographer took a few first places in the amateur category. When it was pointed out, one of the volunteers tried to stress that no one who had won was a professional photographer... as she stood in front of a sign advertising the same guy for a "question and answer session with a pro."
Next time when someone places, maybe do a Google search of their name first. Don't cha think?

It's almost a requirement that every new post has to include him riding a pony...
He ain't getting one!

Had to include this shirt. Priceless.