Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ian's Birthday!!!

I know it doesn't pertain to Ian's party, but come on, it's 09-09-09 at 09:09:09 AM! Something like that will never happen again until... um... October 10th, 2010.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ian at the Ventura County Fair

It's that time of year again and we were lucky enough to get a Monday to go to the Ventura County Fair. What was great is that I was supposed to have court at 1:30pm, brought a suit to change into, and got cancelled at 11am. So we had the whole day to explore.

The only reason why I included this photos is because of what the man is doing. Can't see it? Here's a cropped down version below:

Talking on a cell phone while working on a Ferris Wheel has to be a new one for OSHA!

Sadly, this year both Seleta and I qualified for the professional photographers category that no longer exists. Of course, that didn't stop a few "pro" guys from entering anyway - much to the irritation of some of the people there (we were somewhat amused). One photographer took a few first places in the amateur category. When it was pointed out, one of the volunteers tried to stress that no one who had won was a professional photographer... as she stood in front of a sign advertising the same guy for a "question and answer session with a pro."
Next time when someone places, maybe do a Google search of their name first. Don't cha think?

It's almost a requirement that every new post has to include him riding a pony...
He ain't getting one!

Had to include this shirt. Priceless.