Sunday, March 1, 2009

The World at Knee Level

"The World at Knee Level"
A person on one of the photography forums that I watch had a little too much caffeine one day and came up with some interesting challenges for photography. Several were listed, including taking photos in film, riding a motorcycle while shooting, and even hitting a male prostitute and running away to apologize at a safe distance (like I said, a LOT of caffeine). One of the suggestions, though, was to walk around on your knees and take pictures like a toddler would. Other than the fact that I would look like a creepy guy going around taking pictures of people's legs, I thought the change in point of view was interesting. So I did the next best thing and armed my 2-year-old with a point-and-shoot camera and let him take pictures through his perspective. By the end of the day I had 200 photos. Here are a few pics from my son's perspective.
But first, a few disclaimers:
a) These were taken by Ian without any help from me or Seleta.
b) They were taken with a Canon Powershot point-and-shoot.
c) Little, if no, touching up was done with the exception of two photos that were converted to black and white.
d) If you want art, this ain't it. But it's interesting to see what my son thought to take photos of.
Here's a shot from the backseat of my truck going to the pet store.
The car seat. I never really noticed the diamond pattern before.
Daddy's addiction. You're right, Diet Dr Pepper tastes a lot like regular Dr Pepper...
At the pet store...

Yours truly...
The fountains outside of a restaurant that we walked to...

I'll spare you from the blurry photo of the kids menu...
Our walk to the restaurant...

One of my gear bags...
A film Canon Rebel that Ian also takes pictures from. There's still a roll of 36 in there that he's using up for me.
Seleta coming home from work...

The fur on one of our Beagles, Bandit.

I have no idea...
The fur on our other Beagle, Lexie...
Ian's friend and comrade-in-arms, Dyson...

A close up of one of the wheels on Ian's Little Tykes car...

Our third dog, Tank...
Me playing with my iPod...
And finally, our star photographer...
I hope you enjoy the different perspective on things. Just remember, every time you look down on someone, someone may be looking up to you.
Act accordingly...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Absolutely love these! Thank you for sharing this with us.

(sorry Ian, removed previous post as it was showing my husband's name :))

Deb Cull said...

Best Blog entry EVER. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing. This week I want to get back to my roots and just take pictures of things I find interesting. Thanks for being an inspiration!