Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ian Unplugged Part II

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been awhile since we've posted anything. We've been so busy! But here are some recent pictures of our little guy. Enjoy...

So, Terry has decided that the above photo could get Ian a part in Preschool Musical. Better watch out Zac Efron!!!

We went to Pasadena this past weekend with Mary, Jacob and Jennie. Ian, of course, had his guitar. We almost put a cup out to see how many people would put money in it to see him play!

He had a blast with his Uncle Jacob. He kept asking for pennies to throw in the fountain. What he didn't see was Uncle Jacob grabbed pennies out of the fountain to give to him! We haven't agreed on whether or not that's legal...

This is the point where Ian got VERY tired. It was about 90 degrees outside and he had been running back and forth for almost an hour.
Here he is curled up in his stroller watching Charlie Brown on his iPod. Yes, I said HIS iPod.
What better way to end a summer day than with a yummy ice cream cone?

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