Saturday, February 16, 2008

Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges! (or appendices)

We don't need no stinkin' badges! We just need our daddy's work jacket and a cute lookin' mug. Don't worry guys, this is dad's new jacket that hasn't been used and abused at work yet.

From Dad: We've been working hard learning stuff this week. He loves playing with his cars and making little "vroom!" sounds when he does. And Seleta would like to point out that she the one that taugh him that. He knows how to say, "blueberries" and "bubbles" now, too.

Of course we've had a really hard week this week. On Monday (the 11th), Ian had to say goodbye to our girl, Bella. She had a great day at the beach and got to eat a cheeseburger and in the end she was with her brothers and her family.

On Tuesday, Seleta went up to Sacramento for a day-long training for work. And she, of course, fell victim to the airline industry when her flight got delayed for a couple of hours.

Then there's Wednesday...

Seleta went in to work late on Wednesday so we enjoyed breakfast and a late morning together. When she left, Ian and I were supposed to spend the day cleaning house like the good men we are. Around noon when he was fussin' over lunch, I doubled over in pain. After laying on the couch for a while to see if it'd pass, I finally got Ian to bed for his nap and called Seleta. I basically said, "I can't take care of Ian, I think you need to come home." As all this was going on, I started taking my temperature. At 1pm it was 97.6 degrees and it slowly went up (by the time I was in the hospital, it had reached 101.4). So around 3pm, off to the hospital we went.

We got to Ventura County Medical Center at 4pm and they brought me straight to triage. While there, my bloodpressure dropped suddenly from 137/86 to around 64/30 so they took me straight back. At 8pm, I was being wheeled into surgery for my appendix. From what I understand, the dang thing was so close to bursting that they basically through it like a hand gernade when they pulled it out. It was very swollen and "oozing." I was out of surgery around 11pm, and out of the hospital the next day around 3pm.

So I am now home for the next two weeks recuperating (hence, this blog). I guess that I'm a very strange case since, a) people my age don't usually have problems with their appendices, b) it usually builds over a few days and doesn't hit suddenly like mine, and c) most people don't come out of surgery wanting sushi (or food, for that matter).

As for Ian, he had a very stressful week: on Monday, his dog left and didn't come home. On Tuesday, his mom left and he didn't see her until Wednesday. And on Wednesday, his dad was in a grumpy mood, we went somewhere creepy (a county ER), and Dad disappeared until Thursday. So he's been a little stressed but he's getting over it slowly.

And obviously Tank has been a wreck... But he'll bounce back - especially since he'll have me home for two weeks.

But that's all our news for now. Check back in regularly for new photos and stories!

Take care,


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