Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Header

Here's a shot of Ian watching his favorite show, "Jeopardy." It's part of the nightly routine where we watch one of his cartoons, have a snack, watch Jeopardy, and then bath and bed.

What do you think of the new title picture at the top? I definitely believe that it could pass for a CD cover if we wanted it to. It could be titled: "Songs of Ian" and on the front have a hastily added sticker (like at Best Buy) that says it includes the hit love ballad, "Boo-bears." Which is his version of the word blueberries - his favorite food.

So far, it seems that everyone is greedy and wants both a blog AND an Ian-mail. Well, folks, it ain't going to happen! At least, not consistently. We'll still send Ian-mails from time-to-time but it comes down to a matter of free time... I have none. It took me being gutted like a fish (which Seleta is quick to point out will be the closest I'll ever get to experiencing childbirth) to have enough time to learn this part. So you'll have to count on this blog to keep your fix going. It's fast for me, I don't have to resize every picture so I don't kill your mailbox, and I can do it anywhere. If you click on a photo, it'll also bring up the full size picture - something my e-mails can't do.

The other nice feature is that you can also add your own comments at the end of each post. So give a shout out to the little one - because he actually does look at this.

One of his current habits is that everyone has to wear a hat... Everyone. So one by one, he'll grab one of my LAPD division hats from my office, chase us down, and put them on us. At one point, Seleta, Ian, Bandit (yes, the dogs are not exempt), and I all had one on.

His Grandma got him a little chair that's perfect for the coffee table. So now, he wants to eat every meal at the coffee table like he does at daycare. Here he is eating breakfast this morning.

Hope everyone's week has been good. We'll talk to you later!

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