Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Needles and Huskies

Here's the last of the photos for the blog. Don't worry, there's more (you know me, I took over 900) but this is all that I'm putting online for now. So here's us at the Space Needle...

Look! No rain!
Look! No rain!
Okay, so Seattle does have some bad habits... Like drinking Pepsi. (Seleta took this shot for her daddy)
This is bad. McDonalds will always find a way to advertise... "I'm gonna jump! Don't try to stop me! Ooo! Maybe a new iced coffee from McDonalds first..."

Another thing I don't understand about Seattle: they have fountains EVERYWHERE! So that adds to my list of things that I don't get about Seattle.
1) In a land where it's so dark that you have to use your headlights all day, how is it possible to be light so late?
2) In a land where you get over 3 feet of rain a year, why do you insist on putting water play areas for kids in every building?
3) In a land where you get 36 inches of rain a year, why do you insist on putting a fountain every 20 feet? Do you miss the water that much?
We gotta give 'em credit though, on the way to the airport we passed an accident that had an ambulance, a fire engine, and a police car there and there was NO back up on either side of the freeway. No one (except me) slowed down. In California, it would be a six mile backup in both directions.

Before leaving for the airport, we checked out Washington University. Established in 1861, it's the oldest University on the West Coast. You can tell by the styles of the buildings.

What you can't see in the photo is that the bench is a gift from the Class of 1915.

And our little hero also wants to play basketball for the Huskies...

Well, that's it! No more pictures. I hope you've enjoyed our blog on the Seattle trip. We'll talk to everyone later.
Take care,
Terry, Seleta, and Ian

Butterflies and Fishies...

Even though we're back (until I convince Seleta to move up there), we've continued adding pictures from our trip. That way you all won't have to crowd around the monitor when you come over.

Here's photos from the Pacific Science Center (round 2) and from the Seattle Aquarium...

Gee, it's not like he's been carrying a 20 lbs bag and a 30 lbs kid all week. He's just imitating daddy...

Ian was actually really gentle around the butterflies and would creep up to them slowly and point. We were really impressed with him - he didn't need to be prompted.

It was actually a very nice day that started a little (37 degrees) chilly.
As opposed to the butterflies, Ian was quite the opposite at the aquarium. He was really happy to see all the Nemo's and Dori's...

The Longshoreman strikes again...
Waiting for the aquarium to open, we hit Pike Market again while it was just opening up. Sorry the pictures are out of order but we hit Pike Market, the aquarium, lunch, nap, then the Space Needle (next post), and then the Pacific Science Center.

Somebody had hot chocolate (fat-free, of course) for the first time...

And he LIKED IT. We had to pry the cup from him when he was done.
More to follow...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ian the Explorer...

Another day in the Land of Perpetual Clouds and we woke up to SNOW!!! Doesn't that look great?
We also got to spend the afternoon exploring since Seleta was finally done with her class.
And of course there were the usual downtown large city freaks... But we made it to Pike Street again and explored some more.
... and caught the tail-end of a bridal shoot...

Our little longshoreman enjoying a free sample.

This is the weirdest Sushi restaurant we ever went to. You essentially sit next to a large conveyor belt and grab sushi as it passes by. At the end, they tally up the plates and charge you accordingly - different colored plates equal different prices. Odd.

We may not post tonight simply because we'll be getting packed and ready to leave tomorrow. So we hope you enjoyed the blog this week and we'll update with the last of the photos sometime this week. Take care!