Howdy everyone! We're alive and well up here in Seattle. We had an uneventful trip so far and Ian's been handling all the changes with ease. Heck, he even got to meet the Dalai Lama (sorta).

After getting our bags, we picked up our rental (an '07 Trailblazer), and made it to the hotel around 3pm. Ian immediately picked out HIS bed... Shame it was the wrong one! ;)

Later, we met up with his Godfather, Mark, and we got to have dinner together. Later this week, we may run up to his cabin and play in the snow.

Today, Seleta started her class (she's got fellow students that came from as far away as Australia and South Korea) while Ian and I checked out the area and went to the Children's Museum. This week is a big week for Seattle since the Dalai Lama is visiting and speaking at various places. His first stop today was the Key Arena - next to the Children's Museum. So as we were walking up, he was walking in. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy. But during lunch, we got to sit, eat Chinese food (no, not because of the Dalai Lama), and watch the Dalai Lama speak on a big screen TV set up in the food court. It was pretty cool.

Tomorrow, we plan to maybe head to the zoo - depending on the weather! Just kidding. Apparently the saying up here goes, "if you can't do it in the rain, then you can't do it."
Gotta say, though, that it's been weird. To go from everything being blue and brown to everything being gray and green. I also can't figure how it's possible for it to be so dark during that you have to use your headlights all day and yet it stays lighter outside much later (like 9pm). And that if a bridge floats ON the water, is it really still a bridge?
More photos later...
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